Page 21 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
P. 21

Goal Four

 Be a respected voice to grow impact

 There are many issues facing older people in Northern Ireland. We have a role to play in advocating for older people and
 ensuring that their voices are heard.

 WE WILL influence on housing   WE WILL engage with NIFHA, the   WE WILL provide fora to
 issues for older people including   All-Party Group on Housing and   carry out meaningful customer
 through NIFHA with public   others to advocate for improved   engagement on older people’s
 representatives and decision   access to Occupational Therapy   issues.
 makers, collaborating with age   services to speed up adaptation   WE WILL collaborate with other
 sector groups e.g. Age NI, The   works for people needing   partnerships already working to
 Older Peoples Parliament, and the   improvements to their home.  support older people.
 Commissioner for Older People NI   WE WILL involve our customers in
 or other agencies who work to   gathering their views and support   WE WILL actively participate
 address older peoples issues.  in Positive Ageing Week and
 them to have their voices heard.  International Day of Older Persons,
 WE WILL work with other Housing   WE WILL use our social media   promoting ageing well and
 Associations and through NIFHA to   platforms to tell the story of our   challenging ageism.
 address issues facing older people,   services and the people who
 including sustainable Supporting   avail of them.
 People funding.
 WE WILL contribute to strategy
 WE WILL work with NIFHA and   and policy formulation with our
 partners to protect public funding   experiences, views and ideas.
 for Housing with Care Special
 Needs Management Allowance

 20  Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026                                                                                            Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026  21

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