Page 25 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
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Goal Six

 Sustainable Organisation

 We want to ensure that our homes and services meet our customers’ needs now and are fit for the future.

 WE WILL work closely with    WE WILL empower and support   WE WILL consider becoming
 our funders and regulators to    colleagues to deliver high quality   JAM (Just A Minute) card
 ensure services meet regulatory   services.  scheme members.
 requirements and follow best   WE WILL deliver high speed fibre   WE WILL review our partnership
 practice.  broadband to all older people’s   arrangements around dementia

 WE WILL provide appropriate   scheme offices so our Scheme   schemes to ensure that these
 staffing resource in our older   Coordinators can work more   are sustainable and best meet
 people’s accommodation to meet   efficiently and be more connected.  future housing need.
 the needs of this strategy while   WE WILL regularly review our   WE WILL progress plans to
 also ensuring value for money    services to ensure regulatory   improve the viability of our
 for customers.
 compliance.  Housing with Care schemes
 WE WILL ensure colleagues are   WE WILL ensure our homes    and ensure that services we
 well trained and appropriately   are kept up to date and    deliver are always high quality.
 qualified for their roles with   efficient to remain an attractive
 relevant training programmes    housing solution.
 for their roles.
 WE WILL renew our dementia
 WE WILL collaborate and   friendly accreditation.
 communicate clearly with our
 scheme-based staff, including
 two annual in-person events to
 support them in their roles.

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