Page 17 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
P. 17
Goal Two
Provide services that will make life easier for older people
Ensuring our service offer is what older people want and need. Be flexible and adaptable to various needs and easy to talk to.
WE WILL work with our customers WE WILL be clearer about what WE WILL work to understand the
to identify the services which we can’t do as well as what needs of future customers and
matter most to them and jointly we can and will do for our seek feedback from people who
create a suite of customer customers. We know that good have recently moved into our
service standards and customer communication is important. homes to understand what we did
responsibilities to provide clarity. well and what we could improve.
WE WILL ensure our schemes
WE WILL have a clear lettable are appropriately staffed by WE WILL provide an environment
standard for new tenancies for qualified, professional and where older people are free and
Independent Living. empowered colleagues. encouraged to speak up where
WE WILL ensure the standard WE WILL regularly ask customers they have concerns or suggestions
of service at Independent Living about what is working and what on how to improve things and we
schemes is clearly communicated is not and use this feedback to will make this easy and accessible
and assess our performance inform service improvement. for our older customers.
against it.
WE WILL consider the
WE WILL develop and launch implementation of a floating
Standards of Service for Housing support service, to include private
with Care. pay options.
16 Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026 Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026 17
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