Page 19 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
P. 19

Goal Three

               Connect and collaborate to improve the lives of older people

               We recognise that partnership working can be the key to delivery of services for older people. We value the expertise and skills
               of other agencies and seek to develop partnerships that will enhance the lives of older people living in our homes.

                        WE WILL work with partners to                    WE WILL collaborate with                        WE WILL ensure all older
                        improve the lives of all the older               customers to improve services                   people’s accommodation is
                        people who live in our homes,                    through Service Improvement                     served by high-speed fibre
                        linking with other housing                       Panels where customers scrutinise               broadband so customers can
                        associations, statutory partners                 areas of service and make                       avail of better internet services
                        and voluntary organisations where                recommendations.                                to stay connected with family,
                        that can make a difference.                      WE WILL ensure that our                         friends and the community.

                        WE WILL seek opportunities                       Housing with Care homes are                     WE WILL work with partners
                        to develop new partnership                       well connected with their                       to offer access to affordable
                        arrangements that will add                       neighbouring Independent Living                 wifi/internet options to older
                        value to the services provided                   schemes to ensure collaborative                 customers.
                        to existing customers or lead to                 approaches are taken with events                WE WILL look outwards to share
                        new business for Clanmil.                        and activities.
                                                                                                                         and learn through engagement
                        WE WILL deliver a social                         WE WILL provide every                           with other Housing Associations,
                        prescribing project ‘Support                     Independent Living scheme with                  across the UK and Ireland.
                        Connect’ with support from the                   wifi connectivity in common areas.
                        Housing Executive Innovation
                        Fund and evaluate it to inform
                        the viability of extending similar

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