Page 23 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
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Goal Five

               Aging Well

               We are about more than bricks and mortar. Supporting our customers to live a fulfilling life, with dignity and choice, is at the
               centre of what we do. Supporting people to age well is an important part of our work.

                        WE WILL co-design with our                       WE WILL deliver Clanmil in Bloom                WE WILL provide opportunities
                        customers a refreshed active                     and promote participation of                    for schemes to work together
                        ageing programme in line with                    older people in it.                             locally to offer joint activities,
                        our standards of service to                      WE WILL ensure our colleagues                   across schemes.
                        include health promotion and                     are trained in safeguarding                     WE WILL create opportunities
                        social engagement.                               and that our role around                        for intergenerational activities.

                        WE WILL empower customers                        safeguarding is communicated                    WE WILL seek opportunities for
                        to use scheme facilities.                        so that older people feel free                  older people to contribute to
                        WE WILL work to secure/provide                   and encouraged to speak up                      building a shared society,
                        appropriate resources to support                 where they have concerns.                       improving good relations and
                        the wellbeing of older people,                   WE WILL support older people                    mutual understanding.
                        including through external                       to link into activities in local
                        partnerships. This may differ                    communities and provide
                        across areas and property types.                 opportunities for people across
                                                                         our schemes to enjoy activities
                        WE WILL consider innovative ways
                        to reduce loneliness and isolation.              together.
                                                                         WE WILL seek to deliver a new
                        WE WILL develop a programme
                        around ‘The Joy of eating’ to                    project to connect older people
                        promote eating well and the                      living across our schemes with
                        benefits of ‘grow your own’ produce.             each other.

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