Page 15 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
P. 15

Goal One

               Build and maintain quality homes for older people

               Developing new homes for older people that are modern, desirable and offer appropriate and flexible services is a focus
               to ensure we can meet the current and future needs of older people. Investment in our current stock, designated for older
               people, is important to ensure that the homes we already provide are fit for purpose and enjoyable to live in.

                        WE WILL proactively work to                      WE WILL work closely with our                   WE WILL continue to offer and
                        identify opportunities to deliver                customers during planned                        develop our Assistive Technology
                        300 new homes for older people                   maintenance works, to ensure their              offer to promote security and
                        in line with the Housing our                     views and ideas are incorporated                wellbeing.
                        Ageing Population Panel for                      into refurbishments and homes                   WE WILL ensure that our Housing
                        Innovation (HAPPI) principles of                 remain fit for the future.                      with Care homes are kept modern,
                        design (dependent on local                       WE WILL consider a ‘whole                       well maintained and attractive to
                        housing need).
                                                                         house’ approach to planned                      live in.
                        WE WILL consider in all new                      maintenance to re-imagine how                   WE WILL consider an equity share
                        developments, opportunities                      we deliver improvements.                        model of housing for older people.
                        to combine older people’s                        WE WILL re-imagine/review
                        accommodation with general                       our Independent Living offer                    WE WILL explore the feasibility
                        family homes to help support                     to reflect customer feedback,                   of delivering a retirement village
                        the creation of well-rounded                     improve letability and provide                  in Northern Ireland, including
                        communities.                                                                                     identifying suitable locations,
                                                                         homes fit for future.                           design specification and
                        WE WILL work in partnership with                 WE WILL continue to offer aids                  service offer.
                        our customers to ensure their                    and adaptations to homes to
                        feedback/experiences of living in                support good health, mobility
                        our homes is incorporated into the               and independence.
                        design of new schemes.

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