Page 6 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
P. 6

Older People Living

                     in Clanmil homes

                     Clanmil offers a range of accommodation options to                       during the day, provided by our dedicated Scheme Co-                                              Dementia
                     older people:                                                            ordinator team. We receive Supporting People funding from
                                                                                              the Housing Executive to help meet the cost of these services.                                    Dementia specific services are an important part of the work we do. We value
                       Category 1 housing for active older people                   658                                                                                                         our partnership with Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, delivering key services

                       Category 2 Independent Living                                966       Housing with Care                                                                                 together to provide bespoke supported accommodation. People also live with
                                                                                                                                                                                                dementia at our Independent Living schemes and Housing with Care homes,
                       Housing with Care                                              42      We have three small Housing with Care homes, two in Belfast                                       and we plan to evolve our activities and actions to support as many older people
                                                                                              and one in Magherafelt. In total, they offer accommodation                                        as possible.
                       Supported Dementia                                             85
                                                                                              for 42 residents with a high quality, round the clock care and                                    In addition, we plan to refresh and expand our work with Engage with Age and
                       General Needs (currently occupied by                        1,018      support in a homely, community focussed setting. These                                            other stakeholders working to create an ‘Age Friendly Society’. We plan to adopt
                       older people)                                                          are regulated and inspected by the Regulation Quality and                                         these principles and actions to influence our work across all of our schemes, where
                                                                                              Improvement Authority (RQIA). This is a high cost, but high                                       older people live:
                     Independent Living (Category 1 and 2)                                    impact service. We know it’s valued by residents, their families,                                 •  Partnership working
                                                                                              Health and Social Care Trusts and those local communities.
                     Our Independent Living schemes offer just over 1,700 older               Keeping the homes financially viable is vital and we strive to                                    •  Physical environment and access to outdoor space
                     people their own self-contained apartment or bungalow. The               keep them vibrant, comfortable and welcoming places to live.                                      •  Social inclusion
                     service model focusses on security, choice and independence,
                     meaning that customers can be involved in as much or                     General Needs                                                                                     •  Health and wellbeing
                     as little of our services as they want to be. There are two                                                                                                                •  Financial security
                     categories of Independent Living accommodation. Category                 We have 1018 older customers currently living in our general
                     1 is usually a cluster of homes with people of the same age              needs homes, in communities throughout Northern Ireland.                                          Clanmil is already a Dementia friendly organisation – we plan to refresh and renew
                     and visiting staff. Category 2 services are primarily apartment          Through this strategy, we hope to extend the reach of our                                         this charter mark.
                     schemes which offer an on-site low level support service                 older people services to more include this group of customers.

                6  Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026  7

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