Page 2 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
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Older People Strategy 2023-2026
I am delighted to introduce Clanmil’s Older As the leader of the Housing, Customer
People Strategy. and Communities team, I am pleased
At Clanmil, we provide a wide range of accommodation options, to see us publish this new Older
as well as support and care services, to older people. However, given People’s Strategy.
population projections for Northern Ireland, it is anticipated that over
the next 25 years, we will see a significant increase in the number We are living in an ageing society. One in six
of older people needing homes and services, along with increasing people here are now aged 65 or over and this
pressures on social and healthcare provision. is expected to rise by 50% by 2050. People
are living for longer and have different
The purpose of this strategy is to ensure that we are responding expectations. We recognise that our services
and providing the type of homes and services that are required as need to be flexible and adapt to these changes.
well as being fit for the future and ensuring that older people can This may not always be easy but through
live independently, for as long as they are able, comfortable and collaboration between customers, our dedicated
safe within their communities, where they are valued and their voices team and other partners, we can meet the
are heard. challenges of tomorrow.
This strategy has been co-designed with customers and colleagues
to ensure that we are focusing our efforts on areas that really matter.
This ambitious strategy will be led by the Housing, Customer and
Communities directorates, but it will involve all teams across Clanmil as
we recognise it will take a full team effort to deliver on the objectives Pól Callaghan,
and I am confident that everyone will do their best to do just that. Executive Director of
Customer and Communities
Carol McTaggart,
Group Chief Executive
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