Page 10 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
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Our Values Related Strategies
There are also a number of organisation-wide strategies and plans that will support the
Leave a positive experience delivery of the Older People Strategy:
We believe there’s always an opportunity to leave a positive lasting impression if you show compassion Community
and demonstrate you care. We see the person, not the problem. And whilst we know that sometimes Investment Strategy Environment and Energy Growth Strategy
we might have to have a tough conversation or make a hard decision, we will always act with honesty, Strategy This sets out where and how we will
fairness and respect regardless of the circumstance. After all we’re a people business, so trust and This sets out Clanmil’s approach to This sets out how Clanmil will work with provide new homes for people to
supporting our customers to thrive
great relationships are really important. in their homes, to contribute to our customers to reduce our thrive. It will show how our decisions
will reflect customer views so that
communities by maximising environmental impact and the benefits people have homes that are fit for
partnerships and to help build our customers will enjoy. the future.
a shared society for all.
Believe in better
With a world of opportunity and head full of possibility, we have a shared ambition to do more. Customer People and Asset Management Strategy Digital Strategy
We challenge ourselves, each other, what we do and the world around us to not just settle but Strategy Culture Strategy This sets out the digital
improve and to strive for better. We remain curious about what could be, embracing change This sets out how we This sets out how we will deliver a services we will deliver to
high-quality repairs service for
our customers, how
whilst never losing sight of what we believe in. We are a force for good, so we’re confident to This strategy sets out will support our people customers that meets their needs, and customers will shape this
how we will engage
stand up and be counted. with our customers and to be customer- how customers can contribute to and how we will use
focused in their
drivers to improve decision making and effective management of our technology to better
customer service. committed to properties into the future. deliver services for people
who live in our homes.
Achieve together customer excellence.
Together we are stronger. It’s as simple as that. By working as one with colleagues, customers and Regulatory Requirements and Best Practice
communities we can make real change happen, overcome challenges and move things forward
with great energy. It feels good to be part of something, right? We all see the world differently We adhere to the regulatory requirements set out by the Department for Communities (DfC) in the Housing Association Guide
and we might not always agree. We embrace that. We celebrate our diversity and the benefit as well as by the Regulatory Quality and Improvement Authority (RQIA). Many of our older people services are delivered
that brings as we know that with unity comes strength. with funding from the Supporting People programme of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, who monitor the quality of
services provided, who monitor the quality of services provided through their Quality Management Tool framework.
10 Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026 Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026 11
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