Page 4 - Clanmil Older Peoples Strategy
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                     Why an Older People Strategy?

                     Northern Ireland is experiencing a demographic                           Current data shows that the population of older people can                                        We want to be recognised as a provider of quality homes                  Care across Northern Ireland. We also have 85 homes in
                     shift towards an ageing society, and it is crucial                       be broken down into the age bands as follows:                                                     and services for older people, offering security, choice,                Supported Housing schemes for people with dementia.
                     that the services we provide meet the wide-                                Age                       2013             2022             2033                                dignity, and innovation in all that we do. We are proud of               In total, we currently offer 1,832 of these older people’s
                     ranging needs of this group of people. This                                                                                                                                the services we provide and the people who deliver them.                 specific properties.
                                                                                                                                                                                                However, we know that we can do more to offer excellence
                     strategy sets out how we will provide services                             55-59                 106,274          130,384           123,369                                and really make a difference for people, making Clanmil a                Over 1,000 other people over the age of 55 live in Clanmil
                     to our older customers over the next 3 years, to                           60-64                  93,928           116,656          113,936                                landlord and support provider of choice.                                 general needs family accommodation. We expect this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to increase. We need to plan for how we best meet their
                     the end of 2026.                                                           65-69                  87,442             96,511         122,246                                Research shows that, compared to their counterparts living               needs into the future, reducing isolation where possible and

                     Older people make up nearly one third of the population                    70-74                   68,091           82,753           122,128                               in the community, people who live in independent housing                 enabling them to live well.
                     of Northern Ireland and currently one third of the homes                                                                                                                   specifically for older people feel:                                      Research shows that lonely people use the health service
                     we provide are designated as older people’s housing in                     75-79                  52,824           70,040           105,824                                •  more sociable                                                         more frequently:
                     addition to older people living in our general family homes.
                                                                                                80-84                  37,802           45,062            81,046                                •  more autonomous                                                       •  8 times more likely to visit their GP
                     By 2028 it is projected that people over 65 will outnumber                 85-89                   21,958           26,978           58,924                                •  safer                                                                 •  1.6 times more likely to visit A&E
                     people under 16 in Northern Ireland. In the last decade                                                                                                                    •  healthier and                                                         •  1.3 times more likely to experience emergency admission
                     alone, the number of people over the age of 85 has grown                   90+                     11,328            14,105          58,254                                                                                                            to hospital.
                     by 30.3% Those over the age of 65 make up 17% of the                                                                                                                       •  happier  1
                     total population. Age NI projects that in the 25 years from              We provide a range of accommodation with support for                                              Loneliness is a significant issue in our society and housing             However, people living in designated housing for older
                     2016 – 2041, the number of people aged 65 and over in                    older people, including residential Housing with Care,                                            can play a role. 30% of people over 80 describe themselves               people, including those in Independent Living, are 50% less
                     Northern Ireland will have increased by almost two thirds                Supported Housing for people with dementia and sheltered                                          as lonely. Research demonstrates that in retirement settings             likely to feel lonely compared to their counterparts in the
                     to 491,700 people, while the proportion of the population                Independent Living. We also provide homes living specifically                                     people experience less loneliness than in living elsewhere.              community. At Clanmil, we are passionate about the positive
                     aged 85 and over will double from 2% to 4.1% to reach                    for older people, while many older people also live in our                                        We provide specific older people’s Category 1 accommodation,             contribution that we can make to this.
                     82,800 people.                                                           family schemes.                                                                                   Category 2 (Independent Living) housing and Housing with

                                                                                                                                                                                                1 Taylor & Neill and Field

                4  Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Older People Strategy 2023 – 2026  5

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