


The sensory reaction that only will experience.

There is nothing more unique than you! What you experience and how your five senses react to it is not only incredibly complex, but utterly amazing.


When we experience a visual illusion, we may see something that is not there or fail to see something that is there. Because of this disconnect between perception and reality, visual illusions demonstrate the ways in which the brain can fail to re-create the physical world.

They are a fun way to test your powers of perception and how you see an image is said to say a lot about your personality. Research suggests that the faster you can switch between two images the faster your brain works, with those who can do this at speed said to be more creative.

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What do you see first, and what could this say about you?

Illusion 2

Image 2 of 7

A. Mountain
If you see the mountain first, you try to be honest and direct with others no matter what. You’re likely to be perceived as trustworthy, confident and reliable. There are no hidden messages from you, which is why people can trust you.

B. Gorilla
If you see the gorilla, you are a thoughtful person and you have an analytical mind. You don’t take things for what they first seem to be, and have a critical approach to life – often reaching your own conclusions.

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